Envisioning a Poverty-Free Ontario

Image shows a colorful indoors photo of grandfather with his granddaughter laughing. Text reads: Envisioning a Poverty Free Ontario 2023 Report Card on Child and Family Poverty in Ontario February 2024

February 12, 2024

Ontario Campaign 2000 has released its Ontario Report Card, Envisioning a Poverty-Free Ontario. The 2023 report card on child and… Continue reading

Poverty in the Midst of COVID-19

February 14, 2023

Ontario Campaign 2000 releases its annual report on child and family poverty, Poverty in the Midst of COVID-19: A report… Continue reading

Poverty in the Midst of Plenty

Poverty in the Midst of Plenty - a report card on child and family poverty in Ontario by Randy Robinson, Ricardo Tranjan and Tania Oliveira

November 25, 2021

Ontario Campaign 2000 released the 2021 Report on Child and Family Poverty in Ontario Poverty in the Midst of Plenty.… Continue reading

Ontario Child Poverty Snapshot Released

December 22, 2020

Today, Ontario Campaign 2000 releases its December 2020 on child poverty, an update to the Campaign’s full April 2020 report on… Continue reading

Make Child & Family Poverty History

Make Child and Family Poverty History; A vision for Ontario's Next Poverty Reduction Strategy

May 11, 2020

Ontario Campaign 2000 released its most recent report on child poverty today, designed to provide the Ontario government with policy… Continue reading

Poverty hurts Children and Families: All Ontario Children Deserve a Strong Beginning

All Ontario Children Deserve a Strong beginning

November 20, 2018

Today on National Child Day, Ontario Campaign 2000 renews the call for ending child and family poverty to be a… Continue reading

OntC2000 Responds to Social Assistance Changes

August 1, 2018

Ontario Campaign 2000 is deeply troubled by the Ontario government’s announcements regarding the social assistance system. Yesterday’s announcements deepen the… Continue reading

The Results are In: How will the Parties address Child Poverty?

June 4, 2018

In early May, Ontario Campaign 2000 sent an #OntarioElection2018 questionnaire on child and family poverty to all Ontario parties. The Green… Continue reading

Budget 2018 makes transformational child care investment

March 29, 2018

Budget 2018 makes important strides to fill gaps in services and affordability faced by low income children and families, according… Continue reading

Ending Child & Family Poverty is Not Negotiable

2017 Report Card. Ending Child and Family Poverty is not negotiable

November 21, 2017

Ontario Campaign 2000 releases its 2017 annual Report on Child and Family Poverty on Tuesday November 21 at Queen’s Park… Continue reading