June 9, 2017

This Monday, June 12, public forums in Winnipeg, Toronto and Charlottetown will connect people across Canada to discuss their priorities for the Canadian Poverty Reduction Strategy (CPRS).

With 4.9 million Canadians in poverty and government consulting for the strategy until June 30, Campaign 2000’s forums will focus on the dire need for federal action on urgent recommendations to eradicate poverty.

On the same day,  Campaign 2000 will release a comprehensive CPRS submission, Federal Action Plan to Eradicate Poverty, outlining solutions with clear targets and timelines for success. Read full media advisory.

Campaign 2000 June Forums
Cross-site online feed starts at 6:30 p.m. EST


Shaping Canada’s first Poverty Reduction Strategy
6-9 p.m. EST
Steelworkers Hall, 25 Cecil Street.
Speakers include: Dr. Gary Bloch (St. Michael’s Hospital), Neethan Shan (Ward 42 City Councillor), Maya Roy (CEO YWCA Canada), Damon Johnston (Aboriginal Council of Winnipeg), Lubna Khalid (Working for Change) and many more.
Host: Campaign 2000


Shaping Canada’s first Poverty Reduction Strategy
5-8 p.m. CST
Winnipeg Harvest, 1085 Winnipeg Ave.
Host: Winnipeg Harvest


Public Meeting: Canadian Poverty Reduction Strategy
7:00 p.m. ADT
Murphy Community Centre, 200 Richmond St. Room 207, Charlottetown
Hosts: PEI Coalition for a Poverty Eradication Strategy & MacKillop Centre for Social Justice
June 14th Forum


Community Conversation on Federal Poverty Reduction Strategy
9-11:30 a.m. PST
BC Teachers’ Federation Building, 550 West 6th Avenue, Vancouver
Hosts: First Call Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition & BC Poverty Reduction Coalition

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